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2013 join the movement poster  National Infertility Awareness Week is here, and this your chance to do something to change the conversation around infertility once and for all. Whether you have experienced infertility personally or through someone close to you, this is the ideal opportunity for you to participate in raising awareness and understanding of the issue. RESOLVE, the National Infertility Awareness Association, has hosted the annual awareness week since 1989.

1. Get People Talking

Awareness starts with people. The fact that infertility affects 1 in every 8 couples of reproductive age isn’t widely known to the general public. During this week, share your story of in-vitro fertilization – or that of someone you know – with your family and friends, colleagues and social networks. Encourage open discussion in a compassionate, non-judgmental environment and direct people to online resources to learn more about assisted reproductive technology.

2. Join the Walk

Many health care professionals partner regularly with the National Infertility Association to host events such as the Walk of Hope. Held in three different cities and states in 2013, the association encourages patients and supporters to take part and help raise funds for RESOLVE’s work. The organization funds “activities such as support groups and educational events, public awareness initiatives,” and advocacy efforts to ensure family building options such as in-vitro fertilization are available to all.

3. Register for Advocacy Day

This annual event gives sufferers of infertility the chance to gather in the nation’s capital to speak with members of Congress and make sure their voices are heard. This year’s event will take place on May 8th, and it’s a great chance to connect with like-minded men and women. RESOLVE’s members make the congressional appointments for advocates and provide training and information for you to use in your address.

 4. Support an Event

Fertility centers all over the country will hold events during this week, and they need your support. In some cities, clinics will hold workshops to educate prospective patients on fertility testing and in-vitro fertilization, while in others they may host events to raise funds for research. Volunteer to help at a community clinic offering fertility screening, or host your own discussion group and invite a guest to speak on the topic.

Get involved now and be part of the solution to the disease of infertility. For more information on assisted reproductive technology such as in-vitro fertilization, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.