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Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Logo

Protecting Your Fertility Journey

Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Specialists COVID-19 Safety Protocols


Here at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine, we continue to go above and beyond standard safety practices to minimize the risk of viral transmission among patients, staff, and our community in this era of COVID-19. Our entire staff has received vaccinations, and we encourage all patients to do the same as soon as possible. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends receiving the vaccine if you are contemplating pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a practice advisory offering vaccine guidance for pregnant and lactating women.

Safely Providing Patient Care During COVID-19

Our leadership team has created strategies and best practices to provide your care during the COVID-19 era safely. Here are the protocols we have put in place:

Preparing for your in-office appointment:

  • We are happy to welcome one adult support partner to your visit and look forward to welcoming others in the future.
  • Bringing children to your clinic appointments at Atlantic Reproductive is discouraged because of the following:
    • our sensitivity to patients that are struggling with their own pursuit of parenthood,
    • a safety concern since the clinic is not child-proofed and
    • an understanding that children may distract you from important discussions with your provider.
    • If you cannot avoid bringing a child to the clinic, another responsible adult must accompany you to supervise the child during your visit.
  • Widespread vaccination will, over time, reduce the need for wearing masks and the distancing that currently limits access to healthcare settings.
  • You must wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in our office. While vaccinated persons can be without masks, masks are still required in healthcare settings.
  • You will NOT need to show a vaccination card when visiting our office. We agree with the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, who recommend a COVID-19 Vaccination for pregnant women & women contemplating pregnancy to minimize risks to themselves & their pregnancy.
  • We are changing our policy about COVID testing before procedures that require anesthesia:
    No testing– if you are asymptomatic (no cold/flu-like symptoms) 3 days before your procedure. If you are experiencing cold/flu-like symptoms, please get a COVID test and upload the results to your portal.

How we use Telehealth to support your care:

  • For appointments that do not require an examination and for post-examination discussions, telehealth provides a virtual way for us to converse and see one another, as well as the option to include multiple support persons and children. It is a valuable tool for continuity of care when in-office visits aren’t practical or necessary. It is also a best practice for reducing the risk of viral transmission.

The measures our staff is taking:

  • Our staff has all been vaccinated.
  • Our staff continues to wear masks.
  • Our staff wipes down and sanitizes all surfaces before and after each patient appointment.

North Carolina Coronavirus Hotline

If you are in NC and have questions or concerns about COVID-19, you can call the COVID-19 phone line toll-free at 866-462-3821. This helpline is staffed by the North Carolina Poison Control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sites to Visit for Additional Information

Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
CDC on Coronavirus Prevention
CDC on Pregnant People and New Parents
American Society of Reproductive Medicine
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.