Apr 30, 2017 | Blog, Fertility in Women
Are you planning to expand your family soon? Did you know that infertility in women can be affected by diet and lifestyle? Making a few simple lifestyle changes now may boost your chances of conceiving. Take a look at five simple ways you can improve your fertility...
Dec 14, 2016 | Blog, Fertility Treatment
If you’re considering having a baby in the near future, you may already be thinking about baby names and nursery themes. Although choosing just the perfect name is an important part of the planning process, discussing your plans for pregnancy with a professional is...
Oct 15, 2016 | Blog, Fertility Preservation
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The month has played a key role in making women aware of the importance of early detection and treatment. In 2016, more than 240,000 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis, according to BreastCancer.org....
Jan 12, 2015 | Atlantic Reproductive's News
By Keiko Zoll, a contributor to the Seleni Institute, a nonprofit mental health and wellness center for women and mothers in New York City. Anyone who has gone through infertility knows the conversation too well. It begins at a family holiday gathering, a girls’...
Nov 19, 2014 | Atlantic Reproductive's News
Researchers identify two chemicals that appear to reduce fertility in men. Certain sunscreen chemicals used to protect against ultraviolent rays may impair men’s ability to father children in a timely manner, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health...