Andrology Lab

Andrology Lab

At Atlantic Reproductive Medicine’s Andrology Laboratory, we offer sperm testing, cryopreservation, and preparation for the full range of fertility treatments:

Once we have a sperm sample, we can evaluate volume, number, motion, and shape (morphology). From there, we can determine if abnormal sperm morphology treatment is required. Some of the factors we evaluate include:

  • Volume is the amount of ejaculate in milliliters.
  • Concentration is the number of sperm in each milliliter of ejaculate.
  • Total sperm count is calculated by multiplying the concentration by the volume.
  • Motility is the percentage of sperm that are moving.
  • Morphology is the percentage of sperm with normal appearance compared to a standard for sperm.

Semen Analysis

Semen Analysis begins by scheduling an appointment for sperm collection.   Men can either collect here at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine or at home, if able to transport the sample to our office within 90 minutes of collection.

WHO 5th Edition Normal Values

 Parameter Normal Reference Range
Volume (ml) ≥1.5 ml
Concentration (106/ml) ≥15
Total Sperm Count (106) ≥39
Motility (%) ≥40
Progression (0 to 4) 2.5 – 4
Morphology (%normal) ≥4 (Krueger score)
pH ≥7.2

Sperm Cryopreservation

The Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Andrology Laboratory offers sperm cryopreservation to our male patients. This is most often done for men who need to be out of town during an insemination or in vitro fertilization cycle. We also offer this service as a way for men to preserve their fertility, most commonly when concerned regarding future exposure or treatment that could decrease sperm counts, such as chemotherapy or radiation.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Atlantic Reproductive performs IUI using partner or donor sperm. Fresh or frozen sperm will be washed and counted the day of your IUI. Washing the sperm prior to insemination avoids irritation of the uterine tissue and improves the chance of successful pregnancy. Washed sperm is placed into the uterus in a process similar to a pap smear. After insemination, women can resume their usual activities.  Sperm washing isolates the moving sperm from the sperm sample.  Therefore,  the number of sperm in the washed sample will be less than the number of sperm in the prewashed sample.  You will have an opportunity to discuss the number of washed sperm and the chance of success with your care provider on the day of insemination.

Donor Sperm

At Atlantic Reproductive, we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome.  We accept sperm from the following sperm banks:

To select a sperm donor, patient should touch base with their physician regarding criteria for choosing a sperm donor and ensure the donor has been approved prior to purchase.
