What kills sperm?

A “gonadotoxin” is the term for a substance, drug, or chemical that is toxic to sperm or eggs.  In the modern industrial world, most gonadotoxins have come into existence over the past 100 years, which is why sperm counts have been declining over this time frame. ...

Do soft drinks like Mountain Dew and Coke lower sperm count?

Most foods and drinks in moderation are safe to consume, and soft drinks are no exception with sperm. Similarly, caffeine from coffee, tea, and soft drinks are safe with moderate or typical use.  We start to see problems when patients are drinking two pots of coffee a...

Are there any foods that produce sperm fast?

The best diet for sperm is a balanced, heart-healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, limited red meats, and minimal fried foods or other processed foods high in saturated fats.  A vegetarian or pescatarian diet are both very healthy diets for sperm.  Foods to...

Does smoking weed affect sperm? Does weed lower sperm count?

Yes, all forms of cannabis negatively impact sperm quality. The effect is variable, but in most cases ranges from a moderate to a severe effect. Cannabis comes from the marijuana plant, and the products that can cause sperm problems include smoking weed, taking...

Is it possible to increase sperm volume overnight, and if yes, how?

This is generally not possible due to the production time plus the transit time of sperm which is around 74 days from the time a sperm is being created to when it is ejaculated. Most effects we see after lifestyle changes, a medication is started, or a procedure is...