How do I know if I’m ovulating?

If you have a regular and predictable cycle, then you are ovulating. Ovulation typically occurs between day 11 through day 21 of a woman’s cycle. Once ovulation occurs, and the egg is released, you may feel the effects of progesterone (a hormone in your body...

How Long Should We Try To Conceive Before Going To The Doctor?

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends that a woman should consult her healthcare provider if she is: Under 35 years old and has been trying to conceive for more than 12 months Over 35 years old and has been trying to conceive for over 6...

Why do I need to take folic acid and how much should I take?

Folic acid has been proven to reduce a baby’s risk of neural-tube birth defects (ex., spina bifida), and it can lower your chances of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. Before getting pregnant, women should take 400 mcg of folic acid for about a...