How long after vasectomy until zero sperm count is achieved?

Sperm incrementally moves up the foot-long vas deferens with each ejaculation. After the blockage is created in the scrotal portion of each vas during a vasectomy, it takes about 20 ejaculations and two months to completely clear out all of the sperm to achieve a zero...

How long after quitting weed does male fertility improve?

As soon as a man quits smoking weed or using cannabis of any type, sperm production begins to improve. It probably takes a month to get the toxic substances out of the system. The total production and transit time for sperm production to ejaculation takes another 74...

How can I raise my sperm count?

The best way to raise your sperm count is to live a healthy lifestyle.  Always see your primary care physician (PCP) for an annual physical, and keep a close eye on things like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. The three most important tenets of...

How much sperm is needed to get pregnant?

A total motile count (TMC) of 30 million is the generally accepted low-end cutoff to conceive naturally, although it happens more quickly and easily if the TMC is over 50 million.

What is considered low sperm count?

This has been a moving target over the years, and additionally, there are multiple numbers that are often called the “count,” like concentration, total sperm count, and total motile sperm count.  The criteria for what is considered a normal semen analysis are set by...